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Idealsafe Safety & Compliance

Training and Consultation to Minimize Risk

Do you need help managing fleet safety?
It's tough to stay on top of complex regulatory changes when you are focused on serving your customers and growing your business. Ideal safe Safety & Compliance programs can help. You can count on our responsive Idealsafe staff to provide expert assistance and programs that provide a higher level of compliance with state, provincial, and federal regulations. 

Idealsafe Safety and Compliance training gives your employees the knowledge they need to operate your vehicles safely - which can lead to lower insurance rates. 
Weekly Safety Bulletin
Our weekly email Safety Bulletin provides a timely update of safety and compliance regulatory changes and safety tips that benefit drivers and fleet managers. 

Quarterly Driver Safety Meetings
Our customized quarterly meetings give your drivers the training and information they need to do their jobs in the safest way possible. 

Safe Driver and Award Recognition Program
An invaluable motivational tool for your drivers, the Safe Driver Award and Recognition Program encourages safe vehicle operating procedures and recognizes safe vehicle operations for their contribution to the bottom line. 

Start-Up Kit
The Idealease Start-Up Kit includes a daily inspection book, logbook, FMCSR book, reflection triangles, and more, This comprehensive kit helps drivers concentrate on safe vehicle operation. 

Annual Safety Seminar - April 13, 2020
The one-day Idealease/National Private Truck Council (NPTC) Safety Seminar covers major areas scrutinized during state and federal compliance interventions and reviews. Our step-by-step approach simplifies compliance with federal and state regulations, hours of service (drivers' daily logs), drug and alcohol testing rules, vehicle maintenance and inspection, accident recordkeeping, and driver qualifications. Our nationally recognized program is held in more than 30 locations in the U.S. and Canada. 
Safety & Compliance Benefits:
- Higher Level of compliance with state, provincial, and federal regulations. 
- Well informed and educated employees through training and regulation updates. 
- Reduced pricing pf safety services and materials from Idealsafe preferred providers. 
- Lower insurance costs.