Commercial Tire Safety Tips
Tires on a vehicle connect the driver to the road, allowing safe steering and control on all terrains. Because of this, it is imperative to ensure your tires are safe for driving, especially long distances. Here are a few safety tips that you can follow to ensure your tires are safe and ready for your next trip:
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Select the Right Tire for the Job - There are many different components that go into the performance of a truck, but tires have a major impact. When selecting the proper tire for your journey, you should consider the size, load-carrying capacity, service types, and routes. Once you’ve selected the tire that is right for you, ensure proactive maintenance and inspections are conducted to ensure the long-term success of the tire.
Maintain Proper Tire Pressure - Tire inflation is often an overlooked aspect of tire maintenance, but when neglected, can lead to significant downtime that could have easily been avoided. To get the most accurate pressure reading, Bridgestone recommends measuring a “cold tire” meaning after the tire has been sitting for at least 3 hours.
Inspect Tires Often - Before any drives, you should manually inspect your tires for any irregularities, penetrations, low tread, road-related damage, or low tread depth. By doing this regularly, you will be able to address any tire issues before they become major issues. Irregular tread wearing, cuts, foreign objects, cracking, bulging, and tread depths are all things to look out for.
Follow Recommended Tire Speed Ratings - Each tire comes with a recommended tire speed that should not be exceeded to ensure the optimal performance of the tire. By following this, your tires should last longer and prevent many tire-related incidents that could also endanger other motorists on the road.
Tire maintenance is an easy and simple way to ensure your vehicles stay on the road and help optimize your uptime. With these simple safety tips, you’ll be on your way. Stop by any Southwest International location for more help.