RepairLink - Adding Dealers
RepairLink is a comprehensive parts catalog and ordering system. Through RepairLink, when you’ve selected Southwest International Trucks as your preferred dealer and been approved, you will be able to order your parts directly from our inventory, and have access to exclusive deals, saving you time and money.
Once you’ve created an account here, you will be allowed to add dealers to your profile.
To add Southwest International Trucks as your preferred dealership, select “Add Dealers” as shown on the left above. Click the Search for Dealers Within drop-down and select the distance from your location to your desired dealer. Type Southwest International Trucks in the dealer box to automatically be directed to us as your preferred International dealer.
Click Start Search. You will be directed to a list of matches based on your search results.
Check the box under the Add column to add Southwest International Trucks to your dealers.
Once you’ve made your selection, click Add Selected Dealers. A confirmation notification will appear once you’ve completed it. You will be notified when your dealer has accepted your business.